I’ll be honest – it was a beautiful experience watching the community rally around the Bryan Girls team. The spirit they carried led to a group of people coming together to accomplish a goal. I have always believed that at the heart of the community is the church, which serves as a gathering place for people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs. It is a place where individuals can find strength, comfort, and support from one another. During the basketball tournament, the community rallied around this team, showing up in large numbers to cheer them on and offer encouragement.
Just as a church works together towards a common goal of spreading the message of Jesus, the community came together to support their basketball team with a shared goal. Members of the community, regardless of their religious beliefs, were united in their love for the team and their desire to see them succeed. What does this remind me of?
In 1 Corinthians 12:26 it says, “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.” The connection between people as members of the Body of Christ should be like the connection of a human body.
The success of the girls’ basketball team also reflects the importance of both the church and the community. Just as the basketball players worked together on the court to achieve victory, our community works collaboratively to create an environment that fosters success. People came together to organize pep rallies, decorate the town with signs and banners, and even offer special prayers for the team’s success.
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Acts 2:46-47
That verse and the words “Singleness of Heart” have become more meaningful to me now. We were joyful in their victory and joyful in their defeat. Because whether they lost or won we were all together in one accord. One team. One town. One community. In Acts 2, the church gathers together and leaves no one unnoticed. Everyone was for each other.
Yes sports seasons come and go, and teams win and lose, but a community that binds together can never be broken. I see it. I got to see a glimpse of Acts 2 in our town and I thank God for what he gave us. I’m taking leaps relating to how our church can learn from a team.
Cheering on a victory over death doesn’t relate to a victory over another school. However, what I saw in the coach’s eyes as he thanked the community walking off the court will forever be in my mind. It’s a vision of an act of thankfulness as I give thanks to a Father who gave His life for me. In this victory, I can forever be a part of a team that has always been lossless.
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