The mission of the Church is not to transform culture, but rather to transform sinners. – Jimmy Fry
This mission is narrow and focused, as the Church’s primary goal is to bring individuals into a right relationship with God. The transformation of sinners is the first step in bringing about cultural change.
When individuals come to faith in Jesus Christ, they are transformed from the inside out. This transformation is not just a change in behavior, but a change in the very nature of the individual. As sinners are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, they begin to live lives that reflect the character of Jesus Christ. This transformed way of living then has a ripple effect on the culture around them.
As sinners are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, they begin to live lives that reflect the character of Jesus Christ. This transformed way of living then has a ripple effect on the culture around them. The transformed believer begins to impact their family, their workplace, and their community in a positive way. As more and more individuals are transformed, the culture around them begins to change as well.
The Church’s mission is not to transform culture, but to transform sinners. The transformation of sinners is the first step in bringing about cultural change, as transformed individuals begin to impact the world around them in a positive way. This is a narrow and focused mission, but one that has the potential to bring about lasting change in the world.
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