Casey SpitnaleCasey Spitnale Casey is an author, developer, coach, and teacher passionate to see others impacted by Jesus and His Word

Lion’s Heart

So when I am on vacation I spend 80% of the time writing songs. I rarely get time to write if I am busy. Which I always am. I have wrote a thousand songs in my life. I am a bad at vocals, good at song writing. I do write songs for Bekah Bradley. She is a much better singer than I am.

Here is Lion’s Heart. I write about lions a lot in my songs because it reminds me of my friend Laura who passed away. I used to send her songs on myspace when that was around. She always preferred to listen to my songs and take the time to talk to me about them. When we lived together she would ask me to play the ones she liked on my back porch.

[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]

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