Casey SpitnaleCasey Spitnale Casey is an author, developer, coach, and teacher passionate to see others impacted by Jesus and His Word

Comfort & Chaos

Years ago I realized I cannot plan my life. I wanted to fulfill dreams that I desired and wishes that I wanted reality. I loved planning my life because in my mind, everything is perfect. In my mind, everything is exactly in place. In my mind, the thoughts in my head are exactly what I want my life to be like.

But God has other plans.

Every-time I plan, every-time I dream, every-time I think about what I should do in my future, God somehow puts a spin on my life that I didn’t plan on and nothing turns out the way I wanted.

Tonight I was talking with a friend via text messages. Nothing in his life is going the way he wants. Nothing in his relationship with women is on track. His friendships are not where he wants them and he just left his job over summer to head back to school with no future foreseeable income. He believes his life isn’t were it should be. What he envisions in his mind is what is perfect. If everything he thought would happen his way, he would be happy. He wouldn’t be stressed.

God doesn’t let us decide what life is like so why are we so busy planning what it should be?

All we can do is live day to day and be thankful for what we have. Everything else is just a dream.

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