Should I go to church?
Something I am struggling with is the word church. I am moving in a few months and will be leaving the current church family I have. I have talked with a few close friends about this, and I am not the only…
Leaving Dayton
5 years ago today my wife and I were married. I have learnt that she is a angel. She has to put up with me everyday and I honestly don't know how she does it. We have 2 kids and everyday she…
Harrison’s First Haircut
Harrison last week had his first haircut. Luke's first haircut was filled with tears and crying. Harrison's cut was completely different. He didn't cry, didn't care.
Luke and His Shadow
Luke found his shadow the other day and luckily I got the event on video.
Building A Flower Bed On A Saturday With My Sons
Every Saturday at the Spitnale's begins with breakfast & coffee. Luke loves to play around until the food is on the table. This week I made poached eggs. Never tried making that type of egg, turns out cooking eggs isn't that hard, anyway…
Behind “Minutes”
Today my sister releases her first single off her Bekah Bradley EP. The song is dear to me for lots of reasons. The main one ... I wrote it. A few months ago I began writing in my living room. I had…
Blowing Bubbles Fail
Luke learning...
Child Songwriter
I really don't need to explain ... just watch.
Why Jewel Made Me A Better Songwriter.
Between the years, 1995 and 1999 my sister Amanda listen to a singer named Jewel. Her music was heard on repeat in her bedroom, constantly. Over and over again. My sister had two albums that she went back and forth on: Pieces…
Luke Peeling Oranges
My son loves fruit. Sometimes he will disregard anything we put in front of him and ask for apples and oranges. He hasn't got the peeling down yet.