100 Year Anniversary of the Great Dayton Flood
In 1913 The Great Dayton Flood overtook Dayton, Ohio and this flood still remains to be the largest natural disaster in Ohio history. Being 2013 I figured I would do a illustration of the flood from an amazing photo showing a husband…
I love this song!
Harrison’s First Birthday
My son Harrison had a birthday party this last weekend. Family and close friends all met up at my parents house in Defiance, Ohio to enjoy and celebrate Harrison's birth. I gave thanks before we ate and as people passed by I…
Most of my time over thanksgiving was spent chasing kids. But we did get to eat. My wife and I also spoke at grace.
My Son The Ohio State Fan
Luke has been learning words. Slowly. Yesterday we were having fun, finally got him to do OH - IO.
Luke Being a 1 Year Old
Luke does this funny thing out of total random. We still do not know how he stumbled upon doing this freeze up thing. He is learning a few words and lately started mimicking everything we do.
Luke Pulls Harrison
Nothing like rigging up a wagon with some random toys. Harrison cannot really do anything, but he was having a blast being pulled by his big brother.
Missing You, Missing Me
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/61046474" iframe="true" /] Everyone misses someone at the wrong time and the result is tragedy.
Horses & Ponies
Finally finished up a piece I will soon be putting on etsy. A few more to follow that piece. Once I finish up the photography.
Lorain County Fair
I wrote a few songs for my sister. Here I am playing a show at the Lorain County Fair. It was simply beautiful. That fair is one of the best I have ever been too. Here are some more videos from the…