Something I am struggling with is the word church. I am moving in a few months and will be leaving the current church family I have. I have talked with a few close friends about this, and I am not the only one with this struggle.
Now it seems there is a church ever 2 miles in Dayton. In Defiance, there seems to be a church popping up every month. What does this mean? Why are people continually leaving their churches for others, or starting their own church? Did God call you to build a church on the same block as another church? Did God call you to be a competitive in religion?
Honestly I do not have answers or a clue what is going on. I have attended churches that I loved and, on the other hand, I have been to churches I have no connection with. What should you get from a church? What do I need?
If I say there is only one way to heaven …
John 14:6 says, Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”
I am correct in saying there is only one way. So, if there is only one way to heaven why is there 100 churches in every city. If there is only one way to heaven why does every church put their “spin” on the bible? Why go to church when the neighbors of the church do not even attend the church next door to their homes? Think about your neighbor … do they attend church? If not, why not invite them over? Maybe have “church” in you living room.
I am terrified of joining a church. Maybe I shouldn’t be scared. I am just saying how I feel. I feel scared. I feel if I join a church then that labels me as a member. Members of a church continue to be members … until they leave. Then when members leave a church they are non-members or outsiders. But if you leave a church, it doesn’t mean you are not a Christian, it just means you are not a member.
What is the point? The church I attended in high school is still having about the same amount of people attending it – as when I left. The church I attended in college is still there with the same members. The church I just left has had the same amount of members for the last 5 years. Some people come and then some leave.
When I was growing up I started to notice adult drama in church. Believe it or not, high school isn’t the only place with drama. Once people are in a building together they begin to notice each other. The issue that is bother me today is once people start to notice each other, notice each others flaws and characters, once they start to notice favorites and left-outs, and once people start to get involved in making any decision themselves and not notice GOD, the church is no longer useful.
I was judged because I had an offensive t-shirt on by our associate pastors wife. “I sure hope that is not your t-shirt.” This judgmental lady of the cross said to me.
“Yes it is.” I responded.
Judging what I wore that day she notice me and my sketchy shirt, instead of noticing what God was doing. I wore the shirt because my best friend passed away a few weeks before that day and we both bought matching shirts together. I was junior in high school, grieving my closest friends death and she was in church. She could of took the time to talk to me about my shirt. Maybe shed a tear with me. Could of … you know?
I am 28 years old and terrified of finding a new church because I am not perfect, I am not better than anyone. I read my bible, but I still don’t. I pray but not enough. I keep it together well, but I am still as vulnerable as I was that day in church my junior year. I don’t want to be judged, I want God.
These are just my thoughts today. Obviously church is important to me and my family. I am just looking for God to open a door to the right church for me.
If you are thinking of “Should I go to church?”
Proverbs 27:17 says, Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Hebrews 10:25 says, Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
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