My wife gave birth to my first daughter Lora Carol Spitnale. I have two sons so having a daughter was a big surprise to the both of us. Which she was… A surprise. My wife and I countless times just believe we were destined to have all boys.
The day started around 4 am when my wife was having cramps. This meant that we were most likely having the baby. I rolled out of bed and grabbed all the bags we packed. I woke up Luke and Harrison. They both were little angels. I told them “Mommy is having the baby today we have to go to MiMi Rowans.” They both gently woke up saying “okay!”
Once everything was loaded we took off towards Bryan, Ohio. My wife and I prayed to have the baby before the storm hit. The weather man was expecting 812 inches. Everything was starting at 6 pm. We didn’t want to end up stuck in Auburn, Indiana with a new born in the blizzard. We also didn’t want to drive home and put the baby in harms way with all this snow.
We left it in Gods hands.
Around 9 Tris was really ready to leave for the hospital. We called the midwife and told her we were on our way.
Around 10:45 we pulled into the birthing center.
Around 11:20 I helped my wive into the birthing tub.
Around 11:30 Everything was almost ready. The midwife said the nurse was on her way.
I was hungry by this point. Just because my wife was having a baby didn’t mean I had to starve myself. I left her side for a brief moment.
Around 11:35 I came back and my wife complained about my breath. I just had some Chex Mix and there is some onion flavor in them. So the midwife just said “Hey, I am going to get some Altoids for myself. I will get you some too.” So the midwife left. Tris turned to me and said she had to push and get the midwife back in here. I stood up and the midwife was at the door. “She is ready to push” I said.
Around 11:37 I got back behind my wife and she was already pushing. The head popped out. The midwife was in a panic notifying a nurse to get here. She didn’t have her gloves on yet and was in a rush to get them on. The entire time she was quickly getting ready she calmly encouraged Tris without putting any stress on my wife.
11:38 The midwife had her last glove on, Tris was pushing, the baby was born. Lora Carol Spitnale.
God takes care of all of us in different ways. My entire week up to Lora’s birth was miserable. I had the worst luck. Whatever I did, took twice as long and I had to work twice as hard to do it. But God gave us Lora before the storm. We made it home safely before the snow hit. We were safe. The baby was healthy. Everything was perfect.
Even when I was upset and told God I just cannot believe I feel this unloved. The next day he gives me Lora. My daughter.
There is really something about the sun and how it keeps on shining.
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