Every Saturday at the Spitnale’s begins with breakfast & coffee. Luke loves to play around until the food is on the table. This week I made poached eggs. Never tried making that type of egg, turns out cooking eggs isn’t that hard, anyway you cook them.
My wife left early for a convention in Downtown Dayton for the Awareness Fair on Courthouse Square. I had a few hours to kill so I decided to build a flower bed out of this wood:
I took my planer and made the wood fresh and new but still tried to keep some of its worn out ugly-ness.
Here is a close up.
Luke helped by being active. He drove his bike around.
Tris and I went to Home Depot and bought flowers that Luke hand selected. We came back home and filled the flower pot with soil. Luke and Harrison both had gardening tools and moved some dirt around.
Here is the final product. A wonderful day spent with my family. The only cost involved was purchasing the flowers. I may build some of these for mothers day to give away. Luke will help.
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