Mothers Day Without Mom

Mother's Day for many will be hard. We find ourselves focusing on the memories. Rather than spending Mother's Day mourning our lost mothers, let's focus on the beautiful, pure, and good things they left behind. We can make Mother's Day once again…

I got a lot to do.

Even on the days when you have a lot to do, remember what Jesus has done. While that is cheesy, it is true. When you're in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, don't forget that Jesus never asked you…

No One Believes In Truth Anymore

I got into my truck on Sunday morning to drive to church. News headlines came through my speakers as I turned the engine over. I pulled out of my lane wondering what is going on. After a minute or two down the…

Pig Barn #2 “2400 Head Modern Pig Barn”

After a few batches of pigs in our barn, we decided to pursue a second barn. Identical to our first, just next door. Everything basically would be the same only flipped. To do this we had to get a permit from the Ohio…

5 Day Fast & 5 AM Prayer

At the beginning of March 2016, I started fasting with five other men from church. We met each morning at 5 AM for discipleship and prayer. 5 AM gave each of us time to start our day before work or other responsibilities…

Growing Family

My family is growing! We have a baby boy coming around July 19th. Things are going to increase in fun, crazy, and in number!! Today I am reminded of how joyful it is to be a parent. Tris and I took our…

Pigs are all good listeners when they hit the pan.

I have 2,400 pigs. I am building my second barn and will have 4,800 pigs by the end of the year. The one thing that teenage pigs are good at is not listening to a thing you want them to do. I…

Winter 2014

I just realized I haven't posted in awhile. Sorry. The start of 2014 has been all about winter. Yesterday I drove our tractor out of our barn while the weather reported -40 degree windshield. Was not fun. I had to plow out my…

Day Two: The Inside & The Outside

It's been two days since I quit my job to start a business and work freelance full-time in the middle of nowhere. I left Nova on friday and cried most of the way home. Why you may ask? Well, to answer that…

Comfort & Chaos

Years ago I realized I cannot plan my life. I wanted to fulfill dreams that I desired and wishes that I wanted reality. I loved planning my life because in my mind, everything is perfect. In my mind, everything is exactly in…